1876 License
To all to whom these presents may come –
M.G. Abernathy having produced in open court a license from L.C. Abbott Chancellor in the State of Mississippi. Authorizing said Abernathy to practice law in the Courts of that State and said Abernathy having like wise produced satisfactory evidence of good moral character and honorable development he is hereby authorized to practice as an Attorney and Counselor at law in the District and inferior Courts of the State of Texas.
I M.G. Abernathy do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties incumbent on me as an attorney and counselor at law according to the best of my skill and ability and that I will support the constitution and laws of the United State and of this state and I do further state that since the adoption of the federal constitution by the congress of the United States I being a citizen of this state have not fought a duel with deadly weapons or committed an assault upon any person with deadly weapons or sent or accepted a challenge to flight a duel with deadly weapons or acted as second in fighting a duel or knowingly aided or assisted any one thus offering either within this state or out of it that I am not disqualified from holding office under the 14th amendment to the constitution of the United States and further I am qualified elector in this State.
M.G. Abernathy
Sworn to and subscribed before me this August 4th, 1876.
W.H. Lankford
District Clerk
Grayson County Texas

The Strength of Our Firm Continues To Be As Strong As The Foundation On Which It was Built. We Give Tribute To Our Founders and Predecessors.